September 10 on 10 - Virginia Beach Family Documentary Photography

August was a blur.  July was a blur.  The summer has disappeared before our eyes and while I wouldn't say that we wasted even a second of our time - it does feel like it all went by faster than usual.  Probably because we were making such good fun.

Summers for us are always full of family visits, trips to the pool and the beach and the zoo, Henry's birthday in August, William wishing his birthday was in August, misbehaving and turning the hose on outside, and other general silliness.

The boys are growing and changing so quickly.  I know that people say, "It All goes by so fast."  While their childhood is far from over, it's true.  It feels like these little people have been with me my whole life and for only a second at the same time.  Every wedding that I photograph the mother son dance I am touched and saddened with the reminder that someday my boys too will grow up.

You'll find a mix of our summer here... I can't tell you if there are only 10 photos.  I am not inclined to count but these are my favorites from what we managed to take during the Month of July and August.  We purchased an underwater camera/housing to take to the pool.  Unfortunately I used it twice and took it with me somewhere and forgot the housing part in another state so we'll try again when I retrieve it.  Ha!  Henry's Birthday and the second year in a row that I have cleaned their faces, combed their hair, and forced them to stand near the window to have their portrait taken.  Henry didn't change quite so much, but William with his haircut looks so much the little man. 

Papa Jeff came to visit the last week of August and we went to the zoo and the beach a few times.  We finally got to see the lion clearly - after living here for 4.5 years!  Through a crack in the rock enclosure, we could see him relaxing in the shade.  Henry finally became comfortable in the water.  We've tried spending time in pools, taking him to organized swim lessons, taking him to lakes, even just filling up the bathtub at the house so that he could practice floating - nothing until this summer has worked.  I have never seen a person sink so naturally like he did.  Humans are supposed to float!  He needed to take his own time to get comfortable and trust himself as well as the water.  He has always held back until he's ready, no matter my encouragement or assistance and I try to remember to give him the space he needs.

So that's most of our summer - short lived, and busy, but traces of magic here and there.

As is the tradition in our little blog circle of friends that post our favorite 10 every month (I'm absent sometimes)... after looking through our summer, continue on to see how Sarah's summer has been going by clicking here or here.